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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Mount ZFS Pools on Boot

We recently ran into a snag with a new ZFS installation, the darn thing wouldn't mount the pools we created on boot. The solution turned out to be pretty straight forward, Issue the following at shell and reboot to test:

We recently ran into a snag with a new ZFS installation, the darn thing wouldn’t mount the pools we created on boot. The solution turned out to be pretty straight forward, Issue the following at shell and reboot to test:

systemctl enable zfs-import-cache
systemctl enable zfs-share
systemctl enable zfs-mount
systemctl enable zfs-import-scan
systemctl enable
systemctl enable zfs-zed

You may need to manually import the ZFS pool once before it starts working as desired:

zpool import POOLNAME