Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Has an SSH connection taken too long to return the password prompt? There are two possible fixes to it. There are two possible ways to fix this, First, disable Reverse DNS lookups on SSH connections on the target machine. Edit…
Composer lets you manage PHP package dependencies on a per-project basis. You install Composer like so: sudo curl -sS | php Moved it to the suggested location: mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer Still got “composer: command not found” when verifying the install?…
Ubuntu isn’t bundled with exFAT read/write support out of the box, scouring the internet revealed we needed to install two packages. exfat-fuse exfat-utils This threw a very ugly error Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done Package…
Installing the latest stable version of Mariadb, v. 10.1, is pretty straight forward. Start off by heading over to the repo configurator and getting the links for your version of Ubuntu: LINK For us the commands were as follows, enter them…
To add /modify the static IP address of your ubuntu installation follow the steps below: Find out which interface is connected to the internet, issue the following: user@ubuntu:~$ ifconfig enp0s3 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:1d:33:18 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr:…
We’ll be using a freshly installed server with Ubuntu Server 16.04, Ubuntu Desktop should also work. By default Ubuntu 16.04 ships with Python 3 but you won’t be able to call it if you issue the following at shell: python…
Let’s start off with a freshly installed server running Ubuntu 16.04 (server). This article assumes that you have Apache and PHP installed already. Issue the following command at shell to install the base ImageMagick library: sudo apt-get install imagemagick The…
Percona is a free, fully compatible and high performance drop-in replacement for MySQL server. Percona supports high performance hardware and provides improved reliability and performance. To install first we need to add the repo: wget (lsb_release -sc)_all.deb Next, install the…
Installing Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04 is pretty straight forward, start off by updating the sources on your box: sudo apt-get update Issue the following to install nginx: sudo apt-get install nginx Start nginx by issuing the following: sudo service nginx…