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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Ubuntu

Install SSH – Ubuntu 16.04

If you’ve installed Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop you won’t be able to remotely ssh in to the box until you install the ssh server. To do so, issue the following at the terminal: sudo apt-get install ssh That’s it, try ssh’ing…

Can’t add server – NewRelic

Ran into this very interesting issue today, I was trying to add two servers I had rented into NewRelic’s server monitor. The first one was successful but I couldn’t for the life of me add the second one. Turn’s out…

Access Ubuntu remotely / via VNC

Remote Desktop usually was a breeze on Ubuntu but this time, for some reason, it refused to work. The alternate is simple, use another VNC server. Install x11vnc sudo apt-get install x11vnc Set a password for incoming vnc connections sudo x11vnc…