Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



Mount an NTFS drive on CentOS 7

ntfs-3g logo

This tutorial will cover how to mount an NTFS drive on CentOS 7. We’ll use the open-source version of the NTFS for Linux driver by Tuxera, NTFS-3G. The Prerequisites To mount an NTFS drive, start off by adding the remi-release…

Install and Configure ZFS – CentOS 7.6

ZFS on Linux

We’ll look at installing and configuring ZFS on CentOS 7.6 today. Why ZFS? “It is an enterprise-ready open source file system and volume manager with unprecedented flexibility and an uncompromising commitment to data integrity. ZFS is a truly next-generation file…

Install AWS CLI – CentOS 7.6

Amazon Web Services

The AWS CLI gives you a way to interact with Amazon Web Services (AWS) via command line. This comes in real handy when you need to automate tasks such as scaling EC2 server instances, uploading files to S3 buckets, moving…

Logging RSYNC output to file

Logging RSYNC output to file can be cumbersome but useful at times. Cumbersome because if you’re transferring a large number of files then the log file becomes intelligible but useful in cases where you need to track successful vs. unsuccessful transfers.…