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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Install Odoo 10 – CentOS 7.2

We’ve done guides on installing Odoo 8 and Odoo 9 on CentOS 7, it’s now time to install the latest version of Odoo, version 10, on CentOS 7.2

As always, we’ll start off with a fresh installation of CentOS 7.2.

Start off by disabling SELINUX.

Note: We’re using you’re doing all this as root, if not, add sudo to the beginning of commands

vi /etc/selinux/config

#Change the line


:wq #To save and quit VI


Next, make sure you add the epel repo to your server

yum install epel-release

Next, install PostgreSQL server

yum install -y postgresql-server

Run the following command next

postgresql-setup initdb

Add PostgreSQL to startup

chkconfig postgresql on

Start the service

service postgresql start

Now you’ll need to download Odoo 10 from here: LINK

cd /tmp/

#The link is above is the latest version of Odoo 10 at the time of writing this guide,
please make sure you visit the website to get the latest version before installing.

To install the rpm issue the following:

yum install odoo_10.0.latest.noarch.rpm

You need to make sure you write yum install instead of rpm -ivh because the latter will complain of dependencies unavailable whereas yum will take care of all the dependencies for you.

Once the installation completes, add Odoo to startup

chkconfig odoo on

Start the service

service odoo start

Almost, there. Open the port Odoo uses so you can access it from outside the machine:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8069/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

That’s it, access the server by entering http://SERVER-IP:8069 into the address bar of your browser and hit enter.