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How to fix “Kernel driver not installed (rc-1908)

The Problem

We’re going to fix the VirtualBox “Kernel driver not installed” error on systems with EFI Secure Boot enabled. Here is the exact error we received:

Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)
The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver is either not loaded or not setup correctly. Please try setting it up again by executing

as root

If your system has EFI Secure Boot enabled you may also need to sign the kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetfly, vboxnetadp, vboxpci) before you can load them. Please see your Linux system's documentation for more information.
where: sublibOsInit what:3 VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED (-1908) - The support driver is not installed. On Linux, open returned ENOENT.
kernel driver not installed

The Fix

To fix the "kernel driver not installed" is simply. Close Virtualbox and issue the following commands at the terminal:

sudo dnf install make time perl gcc dkms kernel-devel kernel-headers

sudo /sbin/vboxconfig

After running sudo /sbin/vboxconfig you may receive an error like the following:

The distribution packages containing the headers are probably:
    kernel-devel kernel-devel-6.2.9-300.fc38.x86_64

There were problems setting up VirtualBox.  To re-start the set-up process, run
as root.  If your system is using EFI Secure Boot you may need to sign the
kernel modules (vboxdrv, vboxnetflt, vboxnetadp, vboxpci) before you can load
them. Please see your Linux system's documentation for more information.
[bramerz@fedora ~]$ sudo /sbin/vboxconfig Stopping VirtualBox services.
install kernel-header and kernel-devel

In this case, copy the package names from the error message and install them.

sudo dnf install kernel-devel kernel-devel-6.2.9-300.fc38.x86_64

#Run the following command again
sudo /sbin/vboxconfig

That’s it, relaunch VirtualBox and it should work.