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Tag server

Create new database in MongoDB

MongoDB Logo

Today we’ll look at how to create a new database in MongoDB. Connect to mongod via the following line, replace your credentials mongo -u ‘username’ -p ‘password’ –authenticationDatabase ‘admin’ If you’re successfully authenticated then you’ll see the following prompt: To…

530 Login incorrect – ProFTPD

Proftpd Server

We updated an old server recently and the ProFTP server  started throwing this error “530 Login incorrect” and wouldn’t let us in. We looked at the usual culprits, reset passwords, verified directories but nothing seemed to work. We ran ProFTPD…

Install netdata – CentOS 7

install netdata on centos

With the EOL of the free tier of NewRelic’s Server monitoring service, we tried going commando for a while, meaning no server monitoring. We know bad – bad, idea. NewRelics Server monitoring service was great but the free tier came…

Delta RPMs disabled – CentOS 7

centos logo

Received this error recently on a fresh installation of CentOS 7. The Delta RPMs package reduces the overall download size of patches, this is great for bandwidth constrained servers. The exact error message received is as follows: Delta RPMs disabled…

Can’t add server – NewRelic

Ran into this very interesting issue today, I was trying to add two servers I had rented into NewRelic’s server monitor. The first one was successful but I couldn’t for the life of me add the second one. Turn’s out…