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Tag centos

Benchmark Disk Drives – CentOS 7.2

I recently got one of those new 5th Gen servers with SkyLake Xeons and NVMe drives. Obviously I wanted to find out the difference between these and standard Sata 7200rpm drives and Sata SSD drives. There’s a little utility called hdparm…

LFD won’t start – CentOS 7.2

I was just setting up a new VPS when I hit this snag, the server threw the following error when I tried to start the LFD service Job for lfd.service failed because a fatal signal was delivered to the control…

Random errors: client denied by server configuration

So this error, this little error, was the bane of existence for 3 whole days. client denied by server configuration: , referer: Developers at the company started complaining of getting 403 Forbidden errors, at first I thought it was modsecurity,…

connect: Network is unreachable

This was a mighty screw up, I don’t exactly remember how I did this, but I messed with the routing table and deleted the default gateway entry. So whenever I tried to ping a IP I’d get the following: [root@localhost…

Add / Install Epel repo to CentOS 7

epel logo

With CentOS 7 the process of adding the Epel repo has been simplified, you now install the repo with the CentOS package manager yum. With this new method, you don’t need to worry about manually re-adding the repo if it has gone out…

Change hostname – CentOS 7

centos logo

Changing the hostname on CentOS 7 is pretty straight forward, issue the following at shell and replace HOSTNAME with the hostname you want to set. hostnamectl set-hostname HOSTNAME To verify that the new hostname is set issue the following: hostnamectl  

Install Odoo 9 – CentOS 7

I’ve found that if you insist on installing Odoo on CentOS, like I do, doing it on CentOS 7 is the easiest and quickest way of going about it. If you have a fresh CentOS 7 minimal install that’s great,…