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Category CentOS

Call to undefined function posix_getpwuid()

Got this error while trying to test user privileges on a newly setup server. If you get this in your error log: Call to undefined function posix_getpwuid() It most probably means you don’t have php-posix installed. Install it by issuing the following…

Install Virtualbox – CentOS 7

Virtualbox is great, it let’s you run multiple operating systems on one machine while being completely free. You’ll need to start off by installing some prerequisites, issue the following at shell: yum install gcc libgomp patch dkms qt make yum…

Disable IPv6 – CentOS 7

Disabling IPv6 on CentOS 7 is pretty straight forward. You should make sure you aren’t running anything that’s using your IPv6 address. Add the following line inside the config at  net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 To apply this change issue the following…

Change hostname – CentOS 7

centos logo

Changing the hostname on CentOS 7 is pretty straight forward, issue the following at shell and replace HOSTNAME with the hostname you want to set. hostnamectl set-hostname HOSTNAME To verify that the new hostname is set issue the following: hostnamectl  

Add / Change dns – CentOS

The easiest to add or edit the dns servers your server uses is to edit the file at  and then add dns entries in the following manner nameserver nameserver nameserver nameserver So I’ve gone and set…

Add memcache to PHP – CentOS 7

Install Memcached on your server if you haven’t already done it: LINK Issue the following at shell: yum install php-pecl-memcache Now add memcache to PHP, create a file at: /etc/php.d/memcache.ini and the following to it Restart apache systemctl restart httpd Verify the…

Install Memcached – CentOS 7

Issue the following command to get going: yum install memcached Edit the config located at /etc/sysconfig/memcached PORT=”11211″ USER=”memcached” MAXCONN=”1024″ CACHESIZE=”640″ OPTIONS=”-l″ Make sure you set the OPTIONS section as above, also increase the CACHESIZE according to your needs Start it up: systemctl start…

Remove / Uninstall RPM – CentOS

Look for the exact name of the installed rpm you want to remove rpm -aq | grep -i XYZ Copy the complete line of the rpm you want to remove and issue the following to remove rpm -e XYZ Note:…