Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



Remove drweb from Plesk

Drweb can get really annoying because of it’s resource usage even on a brand new Plesk server. Run the following to remove drweb from your system: rpm -qa | grep drweb | xargs rpm -e credit: Update your mail…

Plesk 12 / NGINX – Setting Expires

Setting up expires on Plesk is a little bit tricky, if you’re like us, under the Nginx settings in domains you’ll have Serve static files directly by nginx enabled, at the same time the extensions included will have the extensions you want…

Exclude selective folders with identical names in Rsync run/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-admin/uploads – (exclude) /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads – (sync)

We recently had to run rsync excluding some identically named folders. To explain: /var/www/html/cms/admin/uploads – (exclude) /var/www/html/cms/content/uploads – (sync) Here is how we got around to getting this done rsync -av –exclude=/admin/uploads/ /var/www/html/cms/ /var/www/html/syncfolder/ –progress Flags: -a: Archive mode -v: increase verbosity…

Update Ioncube loader files

We recently came across a server which had an outdated ioncube load running, follow below to update to the latest version. Search for the location of ioncube loader files on your server, run the following command: find / -name…

Force comments in commits – Subversion (SVN)

You need to set this up on the server which hosts the SVN repository. Enter the repository and you should see a folder labelled hooks, create a new file labelled pre-commit without any extension and paste the following code inside   #!/bin/sh REPOS=”$1″ TXN=”$2″…